Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I'm starting to feel like a real Teacher :)

Wow, I realized that I have not updated my blog in over three months. Yikes, all I can say is that life really has been picking up and I have been living my life like it's g o l d e n. Things have really taken off in the last few months and I've discovered a higher level of happiness that I didn't even know was possible. And I've just been living life like it's G O L D E N.

I'm not sure when the change happened. Perhaps it was gradual, but today I had a moment and I thought to myself: Wow, I really am a teacher and I''m making a real difference. Maybe it's all of the sweet little notes that my students give me. Or perhaps it's when I see my students' English skills getting better and better every week. It could even be when my boss told me that she specifically wanted her daughter in my class ( I'm guessing that must be a compliment.) Nonetheless, whatever the reason may be. I'm really enjoying being a teacher. It has been quite a unique experience. I'm looking forward to more epic adventures with my Korean babies, as I call them :)

My school made posters to advertise some of our classes and they put me on the poster :)

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