I embarked on this journey to Korea with the intention on creating change in my life. I needed to get away. After a failed relationship, personal problems and graduating and not working in the field I intended, I started to feel aimless. (but now in hindsight, I know it was all worth it) Almost as if I was existing and not really living. My smile was starting to fade (which means change was necessary), because anybody that knows me, knows that there are two things you can always see me with: I always smile and I always wear a flower in my hair. It's my own simple way of inviting in happiness. Nonetheless, life in America just wasn't fun anymore. Of course, I had my family and friends but I had this urge to explore. To just pick up, buy a ticket to a new place and try to start a new life. Maybe you can say I was running away. But, I think of it as creating a new opportunity to manifest happiness. Afterall, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. But I've said all this to say: I did it. Korea opened up the doors of opportunity and the happiness has been flooding in. I cannot even put into words the love, joy and freedom I feel here in Korea. Sometimes it seems so unreal.
But, after being here for 8 months I was really starting to feel home sick. Not the kind of homesick that can be cured with a Skype conversation (although Skype saves my life every day). But the kind where I wanted to hug those people I talk to on Skype everyday, hug them so tightly and never let go. So, I bought a ticket home and I left two weeks later. Finally the day came when I was leaving. I stayed at my best friend's (so lucky to have her here, but I'll save that story for another entry) house the night before (because I knew I'd surely miss her, although I made up some excuse to stay over. opps maybe I shouldn't have wrote that since I'm sure she'll be reading this). And when I was heading to the airport, tears just stated flowing. I have no idea why. I guess I was just ready to get "home."
After 16 hours of traveling, three lay overs and a million and one security checks I was finally in Miami, FL!! My family met me there and all I could think was "Wow, I'm actually home!" It seemed so unreal. I was overwhelmingly happy to be back in the place I had "ran" from, just 8 months prior. Nonetheless, it felt so good to hug my family and just look at them in person.
While at home I did all the things I could never do in Korea. I enjoyed foods that only exist in books in Korea and I reconnected with most of the people I love. (a week was too short to see everyone)
In my 216 hours, 12, 960 mins or 777,600 secs (yes I calculated. It was that important.)

*And it's interesting because the whole time I was home, everyone kept telling me that I was glowing and how good I looked. Maybe it was because I had my smile back. I guess Korea does a girl good :-)
So I guess the saying is true: There is absolutely no place in the world like home. I've traveled to many countries, but I have yet to find another place that I can call home.