Sunday, June 20, 2010

*~Soul Connections in Seoul*~

Establishing human connections is perhaps our most valuable ability/gift on Earth. Lately I've been meeting some amazing people and making some real soul connections in Seoul.. In quiet reflection, I began to think about my relationships with others and I have come to understand how those connections have played [and still are playing] a major role in my life.

I realize that in life it's easy to become so distracted and occupied with work, school, things and just life that we may neglect the relationships in our lives. But, when we go home from work or school and we put those things down, the most important thing in life is our connections to others. Human relationships and connections are so beautiful. Yet, often very difficult to establish and maintain. Creating relationships becomes difficult when we are afraid or when we hold back and push others away for fear of being hurt.  Fear is a like a snake that easily slithers into our lives, it can cause us to create these self-imposed prisons that we don't know how to get out of and we don't know how to let others in. Sometimes, we've been so hurt that we build walls without even knowing that we are isolating ourselves from the world and perhaps missing out on creating some beautiful relationships.

I don't want to fall into the trap of fear. I realize that creating relationships and establishing connections is usually a risk. It means that I will have to allow myself be vulnerable, but I'm ok with that. Alicia Keys said it best "I'd risk the fall, just to know how it feels to fly."  The 'seoul' purpose of life is to be happy, but what is happiness if we have no one to share it with?

I'm spreading my wings and flying...not worrying or operating in fear. I'm just living to create meaningful relationships [friendships] where I can give love and let love in :) I'm so thankful for all of the beautiful people I've had an opportunity to meet and cross paths with in Korea. Each of them have played a role in helping me to continuously evolve into a beautiful woman. It has been an amazing experience [and I've only been here for a about 4 months] that I will carry with me for a lifetime. I'm looking forward to the rest of the surprises that will unfold while I'm living my dreams in Korea; if the rest of my time here is anything like the beginning then I'm in for a real treat :)
*Happiness feels so good*

Monday, June 14, 2010

Korean Children say the darnest things...

A special moment with one of my students. Well on the last day of term one of my students told me that she would really miss me and she wrote me this note: (I'm going to type it exactly the way that she wrote it in her Konglish [Korean English] it's so cute)

To Derrika:
Thank you for to safe in many big trouble.
I'm always thankful to you.
I don't meet the good teacher like you.
I'm happy when I'm studying with you in your class.
You are so good teacher.
I am thanks to the God because I met you and have lots of good happy memory.
Goodbye Derrika.
From, Your student Sally.
Have a nice day!! Don't give up!!

*When I read this I was definitely near tears. Sally was one of my best students. She really inspired me and taught me a lot, I'm just glad I was able to share my spirit with her :)
Some funny moments I have had with my students:

1. One of my students randomly told me during a class [in this class I was teaching the children about modern slavery]:
Student: "Teacher you're the Black"[he had the most worried look as he said this]
Me: umm....yes I am.... [laughing on the inside]
Student: But the slaves are the black. I don't want my teacher to be a slave.
Me: Don't worry slavery is over and I'm here to be your teacher :)
Student [sigh of relief. He looked so serious lol] ok I'm happy.

2. If you talk to any ESL Teacher I'm sure they will tell you that students ask WHY for EVERYTHING. But the funny part is that they ask why for the most random things. So one day I was trying to teach my students a little slang, but clearly they did not get it. The conversation went something like this:

Me: Emma stop being such a hater
Emma: "Oh but teacher why?"
Me: Hating is not a good look.
Emma: But why? I didn't know hate has a looks. [she literally said it like this lol]
Me: I don't mean it literally.
Emma: why? Teacher I look cute!

3. Me: How was your visit to Australia? What did you do that was fun?
Student: I ate the Koala meat
Me: ....oh...really?? People eat....Koala? [looking very confused because I was expecting an answer like I went swimming or I went shopping.]
Student: Don't worry teacher I had fun. It was joke. [student laughing]
Me: uhhh ok [i was just confused lol]

As you can see I'm enjoying my experience teaching in Korea! It's not always easy and there are definitely some challenging students. But, I must say this experience is definitely worth it :)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Oppps I almost forgot...I'm an English Teacher!!

So I realize that I have neglected to write a blog post about what I actually do here in Korea. I have been so wrapped up in all of my enjoyment of Korea I forgot that to write about what I actually do here! So, I moved to Korea to become an ESL Teacher. ESL Teacher's are very popular here, because many students want to learn English. Actually, English is required by many Korean schools and many students have to take an English test along with their college admissions applications. So basically learning English is pretty important and I'm kind of a big deal as an English Teacher :)

I plant seeds of knowledge & watch them grow
 In Korea, students usually learn English in two settings: Public School and Hagwons. Hagwons are English academies where students go to learn English after school. It's very similar to a tutoring program, but it's a bit more structured. I work at a Hagwon and I must say I really enjoy it :) I think the best part of this job is that I come in contact with so many different students in one day.I have met some really amazing students that have taught me more than I could ever teach them. It's funny how teaching is such a cyclical process, in the process of teaching my students I learn lessons that cannot be found in a book and I'm forever grateful to my students for that :) My students have given this quote so much value: 
"By learning you will teach, by teaching you will learn." - Latin Proverb