Thursday, May 6, 2010

A glimpse of my travels in Korea!

A beautiful Sunset
I saw the most beautiful sunset while visiting the Seoul Tower (in Seoul, South Korea). It was absolutely gorgeous. The sun looked like it was a blazing fire of red and orange hues. My friends Toya, Lisa, Gary and I decided to take a trip to the Seoul Tower. After hiking up a hill and a million endless steps we finally made it to the tower. And It was definitely worth it. The view was breath-taking. 

As I looked out over the city and saw the sun setting I could only smile. Being a writer I find metaphors for life in everything. The sunset seemed to represent a recent ending in my life. [See last blog post] Though endings are hard they give birth to a more beautiful beginning. I'm excited about this new beginning because it has already started off so well. I closed the last chapter and now I'm creating a new one of unlimited love and happiness. As I walked around the tower and saw all of the beautiful scenery I was thinking "Wow I still can't believe I'm actually living in Korea." But I'm definitely living here and loving it! :)

Also at the Seoul tower they have a gate of heart locks where couples go and put hearts on a gate to represent their love. Its such a sweet romantic gesture. I could only smile as I looked at all of the hearts scribbled with promises of love. They also had a wall of tiles where couples wrote their wishes and proclamations of love on tiles. I think its so beautiful the way they celebrate love here. Maybe one day I will be able to put a heart on the lock gate to proclaim my love to the person I plan to share the rest of my life with :)

Picnic Time
This past weekend our company hosted a picnic for all of it's different schools throughout Korea. So after clubbing the night before me and Toya (my friend from the states) struggled to wake up and go. I'm so glad we decided to get up and go, it was well worth it. The sun was shining so beautifully and the weather was amazing. When we got to the park I was so excited, we were finally starting to get a dose of spring in Korea. It had been so cold here all through out the month of April so the warm weather was so exciting.

The picnic turned out to be nice. We had a chance to enjoy some food from back home (hotdogs, hamburgers, BBQ chicken) and we hung out with friends. We also decided to go for a paddle boat ride (my idea) but we clearly almost died in the process lol. It was a little windy so the boat kept swaying. It's funny now but at the time it wasn''t. All I kept thinking is "I cannot fall in this water and mess up my favorite jeans!" Luckily we didn't fall in! And then we had a chance to take some really beautiful pictures, because they park had beautiful scenery :)

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