Friday, November 19, 2010

A journey of Souls: Accidental Strangers?

We all know the saying: People come into our lives for a reason, season or lifetime. It's so interesting how people come in and out of our lives. Some come, some stay for a while and others go, but they leave footprints on our hearts and we are never the same. I must say that I've been privileged to have met some amazing people in my life. But, it always hurt when I have to say goodbye. Nonetheless, I carry the lessons I have learned and I keep those special people in my heart forever. But I'd like to dedicate this special blog entry to someone special I have recently met.

You ever encounter a random stranger, but feel like you’ve known them forever? I did recently. I met this person randomly and it feels as if we’ve known each other for years. It feels so strange to me that I’ve been able to connect with a stranger in such a way, but I like to believe that nothing happens by chance and everything happens for a reason.  It’s like she wandered into my life unexpectedly a few months ago. And it’s funny because now I find myself hoping that we’ll be able to create a life-long friendship.

The way we met is interesting. Everyone knows about the social network twitter. It’s a safe place (at least I’d like to thinks so) where we can share our most random & inner thoughts (within the 140 character limit of course).  Well one day I tweeted a question and she responded. And here we are now today in the midst of what feels like a very unique friendship. We spend countless hours on Skype talking about everything under the sun.  We even plan out things we should do together, once I return to the States. And she’s even planning on visiting me in Korea (which I’m very excited about) I had a chance to go home and we were able to spend some time together and get to know each other more. At that point we had only known each other for about 2 months, but it just felt so natural.

It’s funny because we attended the same college and I always saw her around, but we honestly never talked. Now, I find myself missing her whenever we go long periods without talking. I kept wondering to myself: why did we not connect while I was still in the States. She even wrote to me: “You seem like such a sweet person, I wonder why we were never cool when you were here.” Perhaps I’ll never know the answer to that question.  But I do know that the process of getting to know her and creating this friendship has been a refreshing experience. And I’m looking forward to more encounters.

I guess every now and again a random stranger will wander into our lives to rekindle our fire, to share something or to even teach us a lesson. I very much believe that everyone enters my life for a reason, season or lifetime. I’m not sure why she has come into my life. But I know that I like having her here and I hope she likes having me in her life just as much. 

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