Friday, March 26, 2010

Am I really living in Korea?

Sometimes I wake up and I'm like "wow I can't believe I'm actually living in Korea." But, I must say that I have been enjoying my time here. I feel so far removed from everything and it makes me happy because I feel like I can start over. It's not that life was bad in the states, it was actually great. But I needed change. I needed to get away and try something new. I have never been the kind of person that could be happy doing the same old thing for so long. So after I graduated I wanted to go places and see the world. But, I didn't know how I was gonna do that with some dreams and a empty savings account. But, once I found out about teaching here I was excited to try the opportunity. And I'm so glad I made the choice to come here. I feel free here.

Gosh, I honestly never imagined that I would be living in Korea, teaching. But, here I am and I love it! Sometimes, it seems so surreal. There are moments when I'm walking down the street and I see a sea of Korean faces and I'm instantly reminded that I'm not back in FL. There are other times when I go into restaurants only to find that no one speaks English. But it's amazing what a smile will do for you. There is one restaurant I go to at least three days a week and I feel like the owners have become like an extended family. They always get so excited when I come in. We communicate with smiles, hand gestures and broken English and Korean. We cannot speak the same language, but we share a common humanity that speaks so much louder than words.

There are times I get a little homesick. Especially when I wanna pick up the phone and call at random moments, but then I remember that there is a 14-hour time difference. Other times I get homesick when I just wanna go to a place that sells grits and fried chicken for breakfast (lol). Then there are those times when I want to go out for a drink with my girls and I realize that they are thousands of miles away. (sigh I miss my family and friends a lot)

Nonetheless, I wouldn't change this experience for anything. It has been well worth the wait. ~I'm just trying to live my life like it's G O L D E N~


  1. am proud of you and you accomplishments sweetie

  2. awww Thanx Diedre, I appreciate the love :-)

  3. Yay!!!! I was talking to Shelah about you the other day. I was making the point about how the world makes it harder for women to follow their dreams by tying us to being responsible for others. By following your dreams,you're setting such a positive example. So two times for you!

  4. Awww thanx Marisa! Ur so supportive and I loves u so much!

  5. Hey you....Glad you are doing well...stay positive and enjoy youself....Uncle Ben

  6. Stumbled into your blog, and I'm really loving it so far! Can't wait to read more!

    Tracy @ Ascending Butterfly

  7. @ Tracy thank you! I checked out your blog and I'm following you :)

  8. Starting new is hard enough but moving your whole life to korea took tons of courage,I admire your strengh I hope you find all the thing's your heart want's and need's,God bless!!(by the way you have a great smile!!)

  9. @Cookie Thank you so much for taking time out to read my blog! I totally appreciate it :)
    p.s. thanx for the compliment :)
