Friday, January 7, 2011

*A magical beginning*

I’ve been thinking about beginnings and endings: how the two are intertwined in cyclical process. How beginnings always end, and yet endings always create a new beginning. Another year has ended giving birth to a new year. A mere 6 days into the New Year, I sit in solitude, quietly reflecting on my all of my experiences in 2010: the good, the bad and others that (at times) I would like to forget. 2010 was not perfect, but really nothing ever is. Yet it was everything I needed it to be. Perhaps I’ve focused too much on the beginning and the end. Maybe I forgot about all of the magic that transpired in the middle. And So I will share the most magical moments I’ve had in 2010:
             1. February 9, 2010, I tested my wings. I boarded a plane (with my 2 suitcases, dreams resting quietly in my heart and my fears lagging behind) and moved to Korea. I felt a number of emotions as I was preparing to leave and I even doubted if it was the right thing for me to do. But deep down I knew it was something I had to do. And I did it. There are no words to capture my experience in Korea. All I can say is that it has been the most fulfilling, memorable and life-changing experience.

       2. I’ve often heard that laughter is the best medicine. And I definitely had my fair share, heck I may have even over-dosed. I spent so many priceless moments in 2010 laughing until I was near tears. Yes, oh yes, laughter is good for the “Seoul.” *smile*

3.       3. This is to honor healing, more specifically the art of healing. I think it’s magical how we take ordinary hurts (fears and pains) and transform them into healing. And so I honor all of the times I’ve hurt and fallen apart, yet somehow magically found the strength within to put myself back together again and yet again. This art of healing is a craft. It involves patience. It requires love. It needs acceptance. It’s almost like an artist creating a mosaic of sorts.

4.       4. Self-acceptance. It has been a long journey and I’m not sure if there is ever a final destination. Especially since life is a series of rebirth. We are constantly changing and transforming. Evolving and growing. Thus, it’s a journey of moving to a higher place of self-love.
           5. This final memory is dedicated to love. In 2010 I read the book “The Mastery of Love” and it really changed my understanding of love. I began to understand the transformational power of love. And ever since, I’ve been on a journey to “master” love. I’m not sure if there is a right way to love, but I know they love is always the right way.  

2010 started out as a year of change. I yearned for it. Needed it. Now I enter 2011 searching for something more organic. Or maybe I’m not searching at all.  I just want to transcend the surface level of change. I want to elevate to the next level of growth. Transformation. This is the word that continues to create circles in my mind. I’m ready to transform. How do we go from change to transformation? Are all of the answers already inside of us?